Wednesday 2 January 2013

New Year new blog....and it all started with a cookie!

Hi there, well this my first ever blog...I'm very new to all this and I was inspired only a few hours ago by my sister to start my very own blog. 

I work with children at an out of school club, so making crafts and drawing etc, is a daily thing for me. I am also a member of Girlguiding UK,  where I am an assistant guider to a unit of brownies (girls ages 7-10 years) and I also attend the senior section (teens and young women 14-26 years). Crafts, baking, and creating lots of fabulous things is something I do alot with both the brownies and the older girls. 

In my own time I also enjoy cooking, baking and creating things... this may sound rather strange, as you will see below, this blog all began because I had been baking cookies and cakes!oppps!however, I am a member of Slimming World, and I attend a class once a week. I really enjoying following the healthy eating plan, and alongside I also enjoy exercising...most of all...I have a love for hoola hooping!It's great fun, and brilliant for losing weight and toning!I used to attend a class once a week, and I am hoping to start it up again, as I miss it so much!


Check out the website for classes!!

So back to the baking.... This evening I made some yummy choc chunk cookies and some little fairy cakes to share with my friends and family. These lovely treats are the reason why this has all begun....

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of blogging, Jo! Your sis sent me an email wihich I'll answer for you in a short while. One of the quilters I follow has the best blogging tips - - well worth checking out. And your cookies look delicious :)
    Happy blogging! Jen x
