Friday 8 February 2013

Busy Busy Busy!

Hi all, I have seriously been neglecting my blogging duties....I feel really naughty!

Anyway I'm back and have lots to report....

I've been very busy with my running lately, been trying to keep it up and go out at least three times a week. I've only been out twice this week, however, I am going to stay with my sister and her husband this weekend, and they have started doing Park Run's, which happen every Saturday morning in their local park, they happen all over the country and around the world, so it is a massive thing, therefore I am going to be doing my first ever 5k offical run on Saturday. It's all free and you get given a time and a place after you've completed the run. I'm actually quite excited to do it, I'm just praying that the weather will be nice!!! 

On a more tastier note...It was my lovely Dad's birthday last weekend and I thought it would be nice to make his favourite cake, which is Carrot Cake. 

So here it is....

I was really impressed with myself as it was the first time I had ever made a proper cake, I have made fairy cakes, cupcakes and cookies so much however never a big cake!All my friends thought this was rather strange and I suppose it is, however I managed to make it without any hitches and the verdict from my family and friends was that it was delicious...(I didn't have any as I dont like carrot cake)!!!

So here's the recipe... (to be honest, I actually made it up a little, so these measurements are definatley correct)


200g Grated Carrot
175g Self Raising Flour
1 tsp Cinnamon
25 g Chopped walnuts
175g Soft Brown Sugar
1 tsp baking powder
2 eggs


200g Full fat soft cheese
Icing sugar- approx 4 tablespoons (add dependant on taste)
A few drops of Vanilla extract

I will post the method ASAP!!!! (SORRY)